Another fan favourite from Deborah Elliot-Whiteley.

1 leg of ham (about 5 or 6 kg)

750 ml Hockley Dark

whole cloves (optional)


1 cup sugar

2 teaspoons dry mustard

2 teaspoons ground cardamom

2 teaspoons ground ginger

Preheat oven to 320° F. Cut skin around thick end of knuckle, without cutting into fat and flesh. Ease skin from fat by slipping thumb of one hand under the skin and firmly sliding it back and forth. Turn ham over to ease away remaining skin, which should come off in one piece.

Place ham, fat side up, in a roasting pan with Hockley Dark, reserving 2 to 3 tablespoons for glaze. Cover with foil, making it as airtight as possible, and bake for 1 ½ hours. Baste with juices several times during cooking.

To make glaze, combine sugar, mustard, spices, and enough reserved Hockley Dark to make a thick paste. Stir well.

Remove ham from the oven and pour liquid into a saucepan. Using a sharp knife, score fat with diagonal cuts at 4 cm intervals to form a diamond pattern. Spread half of the glaze mixture over the ham and stud a clove into the corner of each diamond. Increase oven temperature to 400° F and bake another 30 to 40 minutes, basting every 10 minutes with remaining glaze.

If serving hot, leave ham to rest in turned-off oven for 30 minutes. If serving cold, allow the ham to cool and store in fridge overnight. Serve on a platter or stand and garnish with watercress or parsley.

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