Flavours in the Field. Saturday, August 16th 12 – 4 p.m – Tottenham
Flavours in the Field is a unique culinary experience within Ontario. Our guests travel by a historic Steam train to an intimate rail side field destination called “Nowhere”. They disembark from the Steam Train and are welcomed to a field transformed into a culinary oasis. Our guests will indulge in savoury and sweet food samples from our local restaurants and enjoy refreshing beverages from our local breweries, cideries, distilleries and wineries. Brought to you by our Local Businesses and the Beeton Tottenham Business Improvement Association (BTBIA)”Local Business working for our Community”
Come and indulge in the Flavours in the Field. Saturday, August 16th 12 – 4 p.m.
This year we are offering a bus package from the GTA and surrounding area. Tickets are $139 which includes the ticket to Flavours in the Field and transportation to and from the event. Seats are limited so please contact info@btbia.ca or 905.936.3424
Tickets are $75.00 per person. Must be 19 years of age to attend.
Visit their website for further information http://flavoursinthefield.com/